When I recovered Luxembourgish nationality through my ancestry in 2013, I realized that there were no materials explaining the process for someone that didn’t speak French. I wrote the first model application letters and program that was widely shared around the English-speaking part of the internet.
By November 2016, I became aware that the political changes happening around the world and specifically the USA would drive more Americans to look for dual citizenship and that I could use my knowledge to share life changing opportunities with others.
LuxCitizenship was originally launched as a side project. I leveraged my unique background in branding, marketing, web design, graphic design, entrepreneurship and international relations to create every part of the business myself, from the website, to all of the advertising, all of the articles, all the video content, all the management, and all the citizenship procedures. Over time, I have been able to create a well oiled and automated machine, driven by SEO, the website brings about 100 qualified inquiries a month.
Over the years, our community has grown consistently. As of November 2023, we have helped 1,550 Americans reclaim Luxembourgish citizenship, as well as about another 75 people born of different nationalities. We have about another 200 Americans in the process of claiming the citizenship. If our community was a commune in Luxembourg, we’d have more grand-ducal citizens in it than Flaxweiler.
Beyond out immediate community of clients in the United States, we’ve increased our activity to cover research reports on the Luxembourg Dual Citizens in Brazil and the Argentina as well as videos about Luxembourg and its culture.

Our goal is to build a true community between the Luxembourgish citizens in the Americas and the Grand Duchy.